Family and friends of the late Ronald Kingsley Teakle of Geraldton are respectfully informed that a service to celebrate Kingsley’s life will take place at the St George’s Anglican Church on Friday 20 December 2024 at 12:30PM. The cortege will then proceed to the Geraldton Cemetery for interment.
Deepest sympathy to families.A gentlemen at rest.Norm and Paula Reynolds.
Condolences to all the families
Condolences sorry for your loss
Hi Julie, Shelley & families—I’ve watched it 3 times now, and you have successfully
made Kingsley’s ‘farewell’ into an informative, cheerful, honourable time to witness.
All those little ‘bits’ you included, like his Akubra hat, his home grown fruit, his boots,
the angelic singing and guitar playing —-etc—- were loving touches.
I loved your Dad and I already miss him.
I thought Paul Spackman was just the man needed at a gentleman & a funny man’s
funeral! Thanks Mid-West for all the work you put into today as well.
Celeste from Bullcreek, W.A.