The Late Enid Jennifer Ann Jones
JONES Enid Jennifer Ann
November 1, 2022
The late Giuseppe (Joe) Orlando
ORLANDO, Giuseppe (Joe)
November 8, 2022

MONGOO Margaret Enid

The late Margaret Enid Mongoo

The late Margaret Enid Mongoo

Funeral Notice

Family and friends of the late Margaret Enid Mongoo of Geraldton are respectfully informed that a service to pay tribute to Margaret’s life will take place at St Johns Catholic Church Rangeway, on Friday 18th November at 10:00am. Cortege will then proceed to Geraldton Cemetery for interment.

Service Details

Where: St Johns Catholic Church 
Date: Friday 18th November 2022
Time – Service: 10:00am

Service Location

Burial Location

Please leave a message below

Please leave a message for Margaret and her family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. Roger mongoo says:

    To all my mongoo family members and others who knew aunty so sad for the loss of our last of our elders.i cannot express my deepest condolences to you all as she was a great lady to all.i hope we can come together as one and share our sorrow .god bless each and everyone of you all .. from Roger mongoo and family..
    Love you all..

  2. Kay Mongoo says:

    Condolences to all my Mongoo family. Love and respect to my brothers Kevin and Earl and my sisters Sue and Deli. RIP my beautiful Aunty 💕

  3. Marleena Headland/Bynder says:

    Condolences to the Mongoo and extended family thinking of you all at this sad time R.I.P Beautiful lady 🌹❤️

  4. Courtney Mongoo says:

    Sending sincerest condolences to my Aunties Sue and Deli, Uncles Kevin and Earl and all their children n grannies. Love you all vso very much 😭🌸💜

  5. New them both beautiful old lady’s Margie was my Aunty loved them both condolences to all the Mongoo family from David and Mary

  6. Chrissy Baumgarten says:

    So sad to to hear this sad news sending love and strength uncle Kev Aunty delly Aunty sue and all the family ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Melanie Lofthouse says:

    What do you say when words fall short. Condolences to my good friend Cecilia and the extended Mongoo families. I can’t be there but I will say a prayer for Nan.

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