The late Clinton John Cox of Geraldton
COX, Clinton John
October 17, 2022
The late Margaret Enid Mongoo
MONGOO Margaret Enid
November 4, 2022

JONES Enid Jennifer Ann

The Late Enid Jennifer Ann Jones

The Late Enid Jennifer Ann Jones

Funeral Notice

Family and friends of the late Enid Jennifer Ann Jones of Mullewa are respectfully informed that a service to pay tribute to Jennifer’s life will take place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 10 Doney Street, Mullewa WA 6630 Friday 11th November 2022 at 2:00pm. The cortege will then proceed to the Mullewa Cemetery for interment.


Service Details

Where: Our lady Mount Carmel Church
Date: Friday 11th November 2022
Time – Service: 2:00pm

Service Location

Burial Location

Please leave a message below

Please feel free to leave messages for Jennifer and her family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. Maree Wainwright says:

    Sorry my sister I won’t be able to make it there to say bye u are in my thoughts, condolences to Raymond an the rest of the families Maree,Gary,Shaun an Devinia

  2. Vivian Robinson says:

    Such a lovely social lady, fun and laughs always,going to miss aunty Jenny at family gatherings, condolences to all her family,
    Love Vivian

  3. Jacqui says:

    Rest peacefully my beautiful aunty. Love Jacqui and family

  4. Natasha Gwenda Ryan says:

    Rest in peace my aunty sending our condolences to your family…..
    Love from Natasha and families

  5. Erica Ryan says:

    Love you heaps and going to miss you more
    Mum Jenny πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

  6. Sharon bropho says:

    I love you Nanna 😚❀️ jenny I’m gonna miss Of all my heart πŸ’– I’m sorry I lub U your granddaughter Sharon bropho πŸ’”πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ˜­

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