The late Jacqueline Gladys Wear
WEAR, Jacqueline Gladys
April 17, 2023
The Late Wilhelmus Johannes Lambertus Van Lierop
VAN LIEROP, Wilhelmus Johannes Lambertus
May 4, 2023

DRAIN Douglas McAlister

The late Douglas McAlister Drain

The late Douglas McAlister Drain

Funeral Notice

Family and friends of the late Douglas McAlister Drain of Geraldton are respectfully informed that a service to pay tribute to Doug’s life will take place at the Geraldton Crematorium on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 at 10:00am.

Service Details

Where: Geraldton Crematorium
Date: Wednesday 3rd May 2023
Time – Service: 10:00am

Service Location

Live Streaming

Please leave a message below

Please feel free to leave messages for Douglas, and his family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. Margie & Noddy says:

    Thinking of you big hug coming your way sorry I can’t be there with you lots of love always Margie & Noddy xx

  2. Karina Stevens says:

    I’m pleased we caught up last year Thanks for your hospitality Doug,Lizzie and family very fond memories and will treasure the time we spent with you guys!
    Big Hugs Karina ,Mike and Curtis!

  3. Sue and scotty says:

    Thinking of you Liz and family. We are greatful to have meet Doug through you. Sorry for your loss. Sue and Scotty xx

  4. Jean says:

    Sending Lizzy and all the family sincere condolences at this sad time , I will be thinking of you all and sending you all my love and prayers x Jean x

  5. Sarah reader says:

    Sending you all hugs and love
    Doug was a great man and we both have so many wonderful memories of him
    Sorry we couldn’t be there
    Xx Sarah and Charlotte

  6. Sharon says:

    A beautiful service to farewell a kind caring talented man. I didn’t know Doug long but I am glad I did get to meet him.
    Fond farewell Doug, Sharon xxxxxx

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