The late Andrew Graham Gray
GRAY Andrew Graham
July 29, 2022
The late Alicia May Shaw
SHAW Alicia May
August 8, 2022


The Late Alan Lawson Alexander

The Late Alan Lawson Alexander

Funeral Notice

Family and friends of the late Alan Lawson Alexander of Geraldton are respectfully informed that a funeral service to pay tribute to Alan’s life will take place at Mid West Funerals Chapel, 40 Sanford Street Geraldton on Tuesday 9th August 2022 at 11:30am.


Service Details

Where: Mid West Funerals
Date: Tuesday 9th August 2022
Time – Service: 11:30am

Service Location

Please leave a message below

Please feel free to leave messages for Alan and his family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. Kim Falsone says:

    Dear Sue, Sophie, Elise, James, Ben, and Melanie – We are thinking of you all today and are sorry we can’t be there with you all. We are so sad for your loss. Love, Kim & Matt

  2. andrew brodie says:

    As a person in my lifetime to be looked up to, my dearest brother in law Allan
    for all those that, know and love you, their world has now become a little smaller , cooler and a lot less brighter, the void and the emptiness
    ,your absence have left behind ,can never be filled and you will always remembered by those that loved you and looked up to you.
    A quiet gentle achiever ,a very proud person, that lived his life to his fullest, so proud to have known ,looked up to and admired you, in your time your memories will always be cherished.The qualities that you possessed, are those that most mankind aspire to.your presence will never be diminished ,godspeed on your new journey

    • Michael Alexander says:

      To Susan Sofie Melanie and family my deepest sympathies to you for the passing of your father and my uncle Alan
      for a life we’ll lived Rest In Peace – love Michael Liza + Nicholas

  3. andrew brodie says:

    as a person in my lifetime to be looked up to and admired, my dearest brother in law Allan .
    For all those that knew and loved you their world has now grown a little smaller less warmer, and not as bright.
    the void and the emptiness your presence have left behind, can never be filled, and will always be remembered by those that know you loved you, and looked up to you.
    a quiet gentle achiever that lived his life to the fullest, so proud to have known, met and admired you in your time you will always be their in spirit ,the qualities that you exemplified are what all mankind aspire too ,your presence will never be diminished with all that know you, love and good wishes forever andrew and olivia

  4. Melanie Alexander says:

    Drink well eat well and although we are always sad and reflective have a whisky for
    Alan and toast the end of our families immigration story .

    We may start a new one in the spirit of our risk taking ancestors

    Love to you all and Melanie who I don’t know – bless her

    Cousin Melanie xx

  5. Liza Gazis says:

    Dear Sophie, Sue and Melanie
    Very sorry for your loss.
    Love from us all.
    Michael, Liza & Nicholas

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