The late Dashall Micheal Normington
NORMINGTON, Dashell Micheal
July 11, 2023
The late Peter Christopher Russell
RUSSELL Peter Christopher
July 13, 2023

TREASURE Maureen Elvira

The late Maureen Elvira Treasure

The late Maureen Elvira Treasure

Funeral Notice

Family and friends of the late Maureen Elvira Treasure of Geraldton are respectfully informed that a service to pay tribute to Maureen’s life will take place at the Geraldton Crematorium on Friday 21st July 2023 at 2:00pm.

Service Details

Where: Geraldton Crematorium
Date: Friday 21st July 2023
Time – Service: 2:00pm

Live Streaming

Please leave message below

Please feel free to leave messages for Maureen, and her family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. Sylvia Buist says:

    Deepest sympathy to Gavin, Lisa, and all families.

  2. Nicole McMichan says:

    So sorry for your loss

  3. Rachel says:

    Sending condolences to you, Lyn, and Gavin, and all who knew your most beloved Mum. Much love from Rachel and the boys xx

  4. Rachel Watson says:

    Sending condolences to you, Lyn, and Gavin, and all who knew your most beloved Mum. Much love from Rachel and the boys xx

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