The late Eveleen Anne Crudeli of Geraldton, Western Australia
CRUDELI, Eveleen Anne
December 21, 2020
The late Rowena Barbara Maher of Geraldton, Western Australia
MAHER, Rowena Barbara
January 29, 2021


The Late Kevan Maisey of Shark Bay, Western Australia

The Late Kevan Maisey of Shark Bay, Western Australia

Funeral Notice

Family and friends of the late Ernest Kevan Maisey of Shark Bay are respectfully informed that a service to pay tribute to Kevan’s life will take place at the Geraldton Crematorium on Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 2:00pm.

Service Details

Where: Geraldton Crematorium
Date: Wednesday, 3 February 2021
Time – Service: 2:00pm
Video recording of service: Available from Thursday, 4 February, after 7pm.

Service Location

Watch the service online

Kevan’s service will be recorded and posted below for family and friends who couldn’t be there. Please check back after 7pm on Thursday 4 February to watch the recording.

Please leave a message below

Please feel free to leave messages for Kevan, his family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. To Dear Liz.
    I send my heartfelt sympathies for the sad loss of your Loving Kevan, it is also a large loss to your Children and Grand children. You will all miss him for the deep love he had for each of you. I with my Family will miss him and his caring ways.
    I pray you will be comforted in knowing he was so loved and respected by us all.
    May he Rest in Peace. Always in my heart Kev,
    Your Loving Sister Jan. xx❤🌹

  2. Sara Hogan says:

    Dear Liz,

    Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.

    Love Sara, Michael, Max and Glenys

  3. Dianne Lesley Fogliani says:

    Dear Liz, Tasman, Lynette, Ben, Amelia, David, Zoe and Families,

    Our sincerest thoughts are with you all at this extremely sad time. Uncle Kevan will be sadly missed by us all. Lovingly remembered as a caring and thoughtful uncle. Gone are the days we all shared a meal and his many life stories but forever he will remain in our hearts. Thankful for his kind ways and praying he may rest in peace.

    Your loving niece Dianne and Terry

  4. NEIL MAISEY and FAMILY says:

    My Brother Kevan,
    You will be missed Mate by everyone who knew you long enough to know you as your Family and Friends did.
    I love you Mate, may your last trip be in a Van to the “Garden of Eden”.
    Your loving Brother Neil and Family Brad,Kerri,Chloe,Hayley,Caitlin.

    To Dear Liz and Family, please except our Deepest Sympathy from

  5. Kathryn Bailey says:

    My dear Uncle Kevan,

    I will always treasure our love and the gorgeous moments we shared.
    Memories of your amazing orange Valiant Charger, your days living with Nanna and Pop in Bunbury, your cheerful banter and amazing thoughtful Christmas gifts.
    So many times you gave great advice and offered to lend a hand; and when I bought my Mazda you drove me to the car yard to pick it up in Melville.
    Such a hard worker, you never rested if there was something to be done and your were always thinking ahead.
    Your gardens and stories of adventures around the globe simply amazing.
    Always living life large with laughter at every opportunity, you will be sadly missed.

    My heart aches for you all, Aunty Liz, David & Zoe, Tasman & Lynette and your gorgeous children…
    Apologies from me for not being with you to farewell your much loved Husband, Dad & Poppy.
    Deepest sympathies from
    Kathy, Yvette, Harry, Henry and Lani xxxxx

  6. Dianne Fogliani says:

    Dear Liz and Family

    Thinking of you all at this very sad time and sending you our sincerest sympathy.

    Our Uncle Kevan is much loved for his thoughtful and caring ways. Always sharing his life with us in his many stories. So sad to have lost him this suddenly. May he Rest in Peace.

    Dianne and Terry

  7. Jarron Maisey says:

    Dear Aunty Liz, Tas, David and families,
    Thinking of you all and remembering Uncle Kevan from a fun and loving childhood.
    Deepest condolences to you all,
    Jarron and family

  8. Fran Abbey says:

    Our thoughts are with you Liz and family. Many memories from Rocky Gully and Badgingarra. Tony and Fran Abbey.

  9. Nadine Peebles says:

    Dear Aunty Liz, Tas, David and families
    Our thoughts are with you always as we remember Uncle Kevan from the many summer holidays, family catch ups and that special trip to Albany to watch the soapbox carts. Uncle Kevan will always hold a special place in my heart.
    May he Rest In Peace.
    Nadine, Andrew, Tom and Stirling

  10. Rod and Cath Nichols says:

    See you Kevan. Will miss your stories around the table on the patio at our place drinking your home brew with a smile on your face. You will always be a very good friend to us as Liz will be. Liz when you need a friend to talk to we are here always. Luv Cath and Rod 💝💝🐬🐬

  11. Jan and Malcolm Cook says:

    Dear Liz Tasman David and families
    Jan and I have just watched Kevan’s moving service and reminded us of the time he used to come and shear our few sheep every year and we would have great chats while we were helping him. Great speech from Tas .Our deepest sympathy to you all.
    Jan and Malcolm Cook

  12. Carole schelfhout says:

    Condolences my beautiful mate Liz all your St. John friends are thinking of you and sending love. Farewell Kevan Carole & Mundaring members St. John Ambulance WA

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