The late Cleeve Art Petersen of Geraldton Western Australia
PETERSEN, Cleeve Art
June 3, 2020
WILLIAMS, Sandra Joy
June 9, 2020

COUGHLAN, Valerie Mary

The late 'Val' Valerie Mary Coughlan of Morawa, Western Australia

The late 'Val' Valerie Mary Coughlan of Morawa, Western Australia

Funeral Notice

Relatives and friends of the late ‘Val’ Valerie Mary Coughlan of Morawa are respectfully informed that a Service to pay tribute to Val’s life will be taking place. It is with sadness that Val’s service will be by limited invitation due to current funeral size restrictions.

A recording of the funeral service will be posted on this page following the service conclusion.


Service Details

Where: Holy Cross Catholic Church, Morawa
Date: Tuesday 9 June 2020
Time – Service: 11:00am
Video recording of service: Available from Thursday 11/06/2020

Watch the service online

Val’s service will be recorded and posted below for family and friends that couldn’t be there. Please return on Thursday afternoon, 11 June, to watch the service.

Please leave a message below

Please feel free to leave messages for Val, her family and friends below. Your support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.


  1. Leonie Andrews says:

    Sincere condolences to you Kevin, Jimiece, Paula and all your loved ones.
    Such lovely, lively memories of Val during our time spent fundraising, catering and meetings at MDH School. I was always in awe of her beautifully groomed nails, always stunning. Much love Leonie 🤗

  2. Prue Baum says:

    A beautiful service for a beautiful lady. So much love to my Western family, love you all xxx

  3. Louise Blomfield says:

    Thanks you for allowing us to join in farewelling Aunty Valerie. My love and thoughts are with you Uncle Kevin, Jimiece and Paula. X

  4. Julia Hardiman says:

    Thank you for letting us share this farewell Mass for Val. A much loved Aunty. With love to Kevin, Jimiece, Paula and family. Love Julia

  5. Frances Cincotta says:

    What a beautiful farewell for dear Aunty Val. Love to all my WA family.

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